Celebrating St Cuthbert’s Day

Durham Cathedral posted a few pictures of their celebration of St Cuthbert's feast day this year (yesterday) on facebook. I thought I would share this one. This is from the evensong service after the procession at Cuthbert's shrine in the Cathedral. A picture of the shrine below comes from their facebook page. I wish I... Continue Reading →

Captivated by the Cross

I've been captivated by this image since I found it earlier this week. It was taken by David W Coigach and posted at deviantART. Taken at Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway  (Southwest Scotland), this imagery seems so right for Heavenfield  with the ravens circling overhead. Ok, so I'll admit heavenfield didn't have a stone cross, which... Continue Reading →

Is this St. Cuthbert? (via Contagions)

A post-mortem of sorts on my other blog Contagions. Let me know what you think! Somehow I envisioned better teeth.   Actually Dr Shelby Plummer, who examined the remains from Durham Cathedral in 1899, believed that the incisors (front teeth) were lost after death. He doesn't elaborate on why he thinks that and the loose teeth... Continue Reading →

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